librsb  1.3
examples Directory Reference


file  autotune.c
 C "RSB autotune" example program based on <rsb.h>. uses rsb_file_mtx_load(), rsb_spmm(), rsb_tune_spmm().
file  backsolve.c
 C triangular solve example program. Uses rsb_spsv(),rsb_tune_spsm(). Based on <rsb.h>.
file  cplusplus.cpp
 C++ program using the C <rsb.h> interface. Uses rsb_tune_spmm(), rsb_spmv().
file  fortran.F90
 Sparse BLAS-based usage: uscr_begin(), usgp(), ussp(), usmv(), ...
file  fortran_rsb_fi.F90
 RSB.F90-based usage: rsb_mtx_alloc_from_coo_const(), rsb_tune_spmm(), rsb_file_mtx_save(), rsb_spmv(), ...
file  hello-spblas.c
 A first C "hello RSB" example program using a Sparse BLAS interface and <rsb.h>. Uses BLAS_duscr_begin(), BLAS_ussp(), BLAS_usgp(), BLAS_duscr_insert_entries(), BLAS_duscr_end(), BLAS_dusget_element(),BLAS_dusmv(),BLAS_usds().
file  hello.c
 A first "hello RSB" example C program based on <rsb.h>. Uses rsb_lib_set_opt(), rsb_mtx_get_info_str().
file  io-spblas.c
 Example C program using the Sparse BLAS interface and reading from file using rsb_blas_file_mtx_load(), BLAS_usgp(), BLAS_dusmv(), BLAS_usds().
file  power.c
 A toy <rsb.h>-based C program implementing the power method for computing matrix eigenvalues. Uses rsb_spmv().
file  snippets.c
 Collection of C snippets of other examples. Used piecewise the documentation. Not intended to be read as example.
file  transpose.c
 A toy <rsb.h>-based C program showing instantiation, transposition and other operations on a single matrix. Uses rsb_mtx_clone(), rsb_file_mtx_save(), rsb_file_mtx_get_dims(), rsb_file_mtx_load().